I have not used the vehicle in road traffic, do I still need to insure it?

Traffic as defined in the Motor Liability Insurance Act is a more extensive concept than what is meant by public traffic or what has been stated about traffic in the Road Traffic Act. According to the Motor Liability Insurance Act, a motor vehicle is in traffic also when it is used or transferred (for example, a moped at the summer cottage) outside public roads; for example, in a yard, a field, a forest or on ice.

Unregistered vehicle: You must take out motor liability insurance even if your vehicle does not fall the registration obligation (e.g. ‘buggies’, electric mobility devices), if you use it in traffic. According to the Motor Liability Insurance Act, a motor vehicle is in traffic also when it is used or transferred (for example, a moped at the summer cottage) outside public roads; for example, in a yard, a field, a forest or on ice.

I do not use my vehicle, do I still need to insure it?

A vehicle in the vehicle register must have valid motor liability insurance. If you do not use your vehicle at all, you can apply for it to be removed from use. In this case, it is also exempt from motor liability insurance. Contact your motor liability insurance company to find out how withdrawing your vehicle from use affects your insurance premiums. More information on how to remove your vehicle from road traffic use is available at Traficom’s website (www.traficom.fi).

Should seasonal vehicles always be insured (mopeds, snow mobiles)?

Seasonal vehicles must also be insured immediately after purchase. Insurance companies have taken the seasonal nature of the vehicle use into account in the premiums. If you do not use your vehicle, you may remove it from traffic use. More information on how to remove your vehicle from road traffic use is available at Traficom’s website (www.traficom.fi).


If you have received a vehicle in the distribution of an estate or it has been left to you by a will, you must take out motor liability insurance for it within seven days of the distribution of the estate or when the will has become legally valid.